I'm almost done with this coat. I have been almost done for about a year. Here is a bit of it, pictured below (possibly a sleeve), in a bag with some unfinished socks. We are in need of a little organization here... I am knitting this sweater (without the stripes) in plum wool from Peace Fleece. I love their yarns! The back and front and half of the first sleeve are finished. I have been in the middle of that first sleeve for bloody ever. I am knitting two of these vests (in Peace Fleece wool), one for my husband and one for my father. Not quite sure where I am here. Naturally both vests have been started. I am looking forward to someday being able to spend a lazy Saturday or Sunday organizing, and perhaps even finishing, these (and more! but mostly socks) projects. In the meantime... Well, I actually have finished knitting projects, but they've mostly been given away.
Oddly, or perhaps not, I love having this knitting around the house. The baskets of yarn with projects nestled in are comforting. Not sure why. But just looking at yarn and knitting makes me feel good. -Kathy
Looking at yarn and knitting - heck, any fibre in any process - makes me feel good, too. And there is something very comforting about "baskets" and "nestled". Nice images.
Yes, Village Books! Books and yarn, that's our decor. Karen, I just looked at your Zimmermania blog. Very nice! I also adore EZ, hers were the first knitting books I bought. They are funny and have an old world charm at the same time.
I am in awe! I can't have more than one thing going at a time because I just get a case of the nerves if I have something sitting. That is why socks are like my favorite thing in the world to knit. I love that jacket, you should definitely finish that.
I believe in the importance of the small things we do everyday, knitting, cooking, gardening, sharing stories with family and friends. I started the audiobook company Knitting Out Loud (which has become Out Loud Audiobooks to include Cooking Out Loud)to celebrate home and hearth. It is a great pleasure to be able to bring the books I love to audio.
Yarn is one of the best home decor items! Unfinished knitting really warms up a room too! :)
Looking at yarn and knitting - heck, any fibre in any process - makes me feel good, too. And there is something very comforting about "baskets" and "nestled". Nice images.
Yes, Village Books! Books and yarn, that's our decor.
Karen, I just looked at your Zimmermania blog. Very nice! I also adore EZ, hers were the first knitting books I bought. They are funny and have an old world charm at the same time.
I am in awe! I can't have more than one thing going at a time because I just get a case of the nerves if I have something sitting. That is why socks are like my favorite thing in the world to knit. I love that jacket, you should definitely finish that.
Everything will get finished eventually...
The coat would be perfect for spring.
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