Tuesday, March 30, 2010
knitting for friends
Friday, March 26, 2010
Knitting Links!
From Katherine Jane:
Hey guys--Kathy has been on a roll with finding great knitting links recently. Here's some of the best:
We love the strange, otherworldly knits on artist Daniela Edburg's website: http://www.danielaedburg.net/#/content/pictures1/PARTYGIRL.jpg/
The ultimate geeky knit:
Proof that sportiness and elegant knitwear aren't mutually exclusive: http://tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/02/03/warm-and-fuzzy-dept-rodartes-flying-colors/
And news that the Naked Chef is getting into the yarn business: http://www.tonic.com/article/naked-chef-wants-woolies/
And speaking of news, here's a couple that I found:
Covering up frigid chickens:
Not to mention these two amazing outfits, one via Digg: http://www.flickr.com/photos/45033009@N07/4412526754/sizes/o/ and one at Cute Overload: http://cuteoverload.com/2010/03/09/when-yarn-isnt-cats-best-friend/
Happy procrastinating!

Katherine Jane Arathoon lives in New York City and occasionally guest blogs for Knitting Out Loud. She also blogs at Between Ewe And Me.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
These eggs are dyed with a wax-resist technique. Bees wax is heated in a stylus over a candle. You cover the area in wax which you want to remain that color, then put the egg in a dye.
I try to use free range eggs, as their shells are harder. Geese and duck eggs are good too. The eggs in the basket above were made over the last thirty years, some by my daughter and her cousins when they were little. The brown and yellow egg in the upper right corner was made by my Ukrainian friend's mother. She was born and raised in a small Ukrainian village, spent WWII in a DP camp, and lived for many years in a Ukrainian community in Baltimore.
Monday, March 15, 2010
In bloom! Outside and In
And here's the witch hazel! I cut some for the house, it has a wonderful lemony scent.
And below, the orchids are blooming nicely indoors:
- Kathy
Thursday, March 11, 2010
UFO's or Embarrassing Revelations
Oddly, or perhaps not, I love having this knitting around the house. The baskets of yarn with projects nestled in are comforting. Not sure why. But just looking at yarn and knitting makes me feel good.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Men Who Bake - Bob Fickett's Loaves

The fabulous loaves pictured above were not baked by my husband, but by a college buddy of his, Bob Fickett. His wife Vicky sent me these photos on Facebook, and the following story:
Bob's newest interest is bread. Bought him a book and he's taken off with baking every weekend...focaccia, ciabatta, cinnamon rolls, danish. Baker's choice. It really saved us last winter while we were adjusting to the girls being gone. Broke bread & wine and suddenly everything was clear, simple and fine.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
NETA Spa Knit and Spin 2010!!!
We had a great time!
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