At a "Stories of Knitting" talk in a library in New Hampshire, a woman in the audience was knitting this scarf. The next night, at a different library, the same scarf pattern was being knit. Here it is: cast on 20 stitches, knit the 20 stitches, knit 8 then turn needles around and knit over the 8 stitches, knit 6 then turn needles around and knit over the stitches, knit 4 then turn needles around and knit over the 4 stitches, knit 20 stitches, repeat above to desired length.
I like the corkscrew scarf very much, but I am French and my english approximative. I cannot succeed in realizing it because I do not understand " knit 8 then turn needles around and knit over the _ stiches"
what do you mean ?
Would you please explain me or, ideally, give me a translation of this tuto.
Many thanks
Tricotez 8 points de suture, maintenez cette aiguille dans votre hans gauche et celle avec beaucoup de points de suture dans votre main droite et tricotez sur 8 points de suture
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