I'd never seen a real life Kafe Fassett before.
Designer knitwear.
"The things I wonder about most are not on the internet," said Sam Shepard, according to the Writer's Almanac which I listened to the day I drove down to Massachusetts to set up our booth. Is this not true for all of us?
But the internet is fun. I have been traveling so much this fall, and madly catching up when home, that I have not had time to follow some favorite knitting blogs: The Knitting Blog By Mr. Puffy the Dog, t does wool, raining sheep, The Fairy Godknitter, The Foothill Home Companion, among others. Funny, moving, gorgeous, these wonderful ladies write amazing blogs.
My husband tells a Knock Knock joke which goes:
Knock knock: Who's there?
Philip Glass Philip Glass Philip Glass Philip Glass Philip Glass Philip Glass
But I heard The Secret Agent by Philip Glass on the radio and it is magnificent. See what you think.
Next week we are off to The Green Mountain Fiber Festival, November 20th and 21st, in White River Junction, Vermont! If you sign up for my class "Stories of Knitting" you receive a free audiobook. Kind of a bribe. On our way home we get to pick up our daughter (who is in her first year of college and much missed) and bring her back for Thanksgiving.
Those sweaters are all amazing ~ that's what I love about the fiber shows ~ you get to see beautiful knits in action :)
Have fun at your next festival and I'll be looking forward to seeing your pictures and video!
And....thank you for thinking of Mr. P ~
Thank you for writing your wonderful blog! The shawl on your current post is lovely.
I'm going to need help with the video thing... but I'll try to get lots of good photos.
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