Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fiber College, Searsport, Maine

Last weekend we were at the Finger Lakes Fiber Arts Festival in Hemlock, NY. But didn't get a chance to take any pictures, rats! The weekend before we were at Fiber College, where we did manage to take pictures. Debbie Bergman of Purple Fleece, is a weaver. I have given her glorious hand towels, pictured above, as presents to many very grateful friends.
This wonderful yarn is from String Theory, a delicious yarn shop in Blue Hill, Maine.
I found this very charming hat, pictured above and below, abandoned in the restroom at Fiber College. It took a good deal of will-power to turn it in at the office. But they knew immediately whose hat it was, so I was happy.
I fell in love with this shawl, knit from hand-spun yarn. The pattern can be found in Folk Shawls by Cheryl Oberle. It is the Wool Peddler's Shawl without the lace border. Easy and comforting.
I have these beautiful tall yellow flowers growing in my garden, and can't remember their name. Leave a comment with their name and I will give you your choice of audiobook.
This weaving of grass and flowers was lovely.

I couldn't quite figure out what this was supposed to be. But I liked it. Detail above, whole tableau below.
I also loved this basket in their shop.
Till next year!


Denise | Chez Danisse said...

What a wonderful weaving of grass and yarn.

Janet said...

Hi - just found your blog through the Runcible Bin!