Friday, May 22, 2009

The Powers Of The Internet: Faro del Sur

all photos originally from Faro del Sur

From Katherine Jane:

Oh, the wonders of the internet! Neither Kathy nor I is fluent in Spanish, yet through the glories of the internet we realized that this post from the blog Faro del Sur had a lot of people clicking through to our site.

Faro del Sur is an absolutely beautiful blog; the breathtaking pictures are universally lovely no matter what language you speak, and we were pleased to be in such good company. But, curiosity led me to plug the exact quote into the Babel Fish Translator to see what exactly the blogger, Lía, was saying. Thus, this paragraph:

- Desde hace una semana o así mis idas y venidas de casa al trabajo son uno de los mejores momentos del día gracias a la portentosa memoria del nuevo mp4 que me ha regalado mi madre. Ahora mismo estoy escuchando “America Knits” y de verdad que me tiene totalmente enganchada...tanto que esta mañana lo primero que he hecho ha sido encargar el libro porque me muero por ver las fotografías y tenerlo como constante fuente de inspiración. Mi teoría de que con los audiolibros me iba a ahorrar dinero y espacio en libros parece que falla...

translates to

- For one week or thus my goings and comings from house to the work are one of the best moments of the day thanks to the marvellous memory of new mp4 that my mother has given me. Right now I am listening to “America Knits” and really that it has to me totally hooked… as much that this morning first that I have done it has been to order the book because I die to see the photographies and to have it like constant source of inspiration. My theory that with the audiolibros it was going to me to save money and space in books seems that it fails…

Not the most artful translation, perhaps, but free and certainly useful! And I must say, I can sympathize with Lía's plight. I've noticed that books I love tend to breed and procreate on my shelf. If I have a hardback I want the paperback; if I have a phsyical copy I want the audio version as well, and an electronic copy for my Kindle to boot! We're pleased to see that our audio version America Knits got Lía so excited about Melanie Falick's great book; and I say, shelf space be damned, the more copies the better!

Spread that internet love and go check out the great pictures on Faro del Sur.

-Katherine Jane


Katherine Jane Arathoon lives in New York City and occasionally guest blogs for Knitting Out Loud. She also blogs at Between Ewe And Me.

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